Vicar General: Rev. Fr. Peter Sein Hlaing Oo Ph: 09408488899 Email: Address: Archdiocesan Pastoral Center Corner of 25th & 81st Streets, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Chancellor: Rev. Fr. Peter Kyi Maung Office: 09446742447 Email: Address: Archbishop’s House Corner of 25th & 81st Streets, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Finance Admin Rev. Fr. Augustine Win Myint Ph: 092060434, 09972504552 Email: Address: Archdiocesan Pastoral Center Corner of 25th & 81st Streets, Mandalay, Myanmar.
House Superior Rev. Fr. John Htun Htun Naing Ph: 09409056644, 09425026603 Email: Address: Archdiocesan Pastoral Center Corner of 25th & 81st Streets, Mandalay, Myanmar.
1) Evangelization Sector Director: Rev. Fr. Dominic Jyo Du Ph: 09402520778, 09974565051 Email: - Liturgy & Sacraments Commission - Dei Verbum - Interreligious Dialogue & Ecumenism Commission - Myanmar Literature & Culture Commission - Christian Meditation Commission
2) Socio-Pastoral Care Sector Director: Sr. Grace Mu Mu Aung (RGS) Ph: 09457445324 Email: - Episcopal Commission for Clergy (E.C.C) - Laity & Family Commission - Legion of Mary - St. Vincent de Paul - Couple for Christ (CFC) - Committee for Cemetery - St. Aloysius Family Association - Office of Women - Seminaries - Orphanages - Ex-Seminarians - Tourism, Migration & Anti-Human Trafficking - Child Protection - HIV, AIDS, Leprosy, Blind School
3) Social & Human Development Sector Director: Rev. Fr. Lucas Naw (SDB) Ph: 09258334390 Email:
4) Faith Formation Sector Director: Sr. Regina Khaing (SJA) Ph: 09254907771 Email:
5) Consecrated Life Sector Director: Rev. Fr. Raphael Thu Rein Oo Ph: 09771600986 Email:
6) Project Director Rev. Fr. Olivier Prodhomme Ph: 095414240 Email: