Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of Mandalay
25th July, 2021
Prot. No. 003/21
Dear and Reverend Priests and Religious
of the Archdiocese of Mandalay,
This Pastoral Letter comes to you from your Archbishop with warm wishes and sentiments of Gratitude to each one of you for accepting assignments in the Service of the Lord and on behalf of the Faithful.
First of all, with the onset of another wave of COVID-19 pandemic, we shall have to arrange for Masses at different times (on Sundays especially) so as to have a lesser number of people at each Mass. Both Priest and Faithful would have to adhere to safe practices and prevention, such as social distancing, putting on masks, and careful washing & sanitizing of hands.
With the closure and/or uncertainty of schools, our children and youth are out of regular school for almost two years already; this leads to the loss of interest and motivation for education and learning on the part of our children. Some youth waste precious time and energy roaming the streets, instead of making themselves useful at home or church. It is up to us to organize classes (Catechism, Music, English, Remedial-Classes, etc. as some priests are doing. Of course, kindly keep in mind the safe practices and prevention with social distancing, putting on masks and careful washing or sanitizing of hands, and the lesser number of children/youth in different groups.
Another point of paramount importance for us Catholics is the need to be aware of our situation in Mandalay. Mandalay, as everyone knows, is the cultural and historical hub and the driving force of Buddhist-ethos in the whole Country. Buddhism was introduced from Sri Lanka, sunk its roots, and spread across the whole of Myanmar from the cradle of Mandalay. Hence several millions of our fellowmen are earnest Buddhists who are quite alien and unsympathetic toward other religions, especially Christianity which they view as something exported from the Colonizing countries of the West. Catholics are a very small minority. Hence our duty is to dialogue and shares the riches of our Catholic Faith that has nothing to do with colonization or Westernization. An important aspect is a visible witness: our way of living and eating, our going about, our attire (cassock or the clerical shirt worn with decorum), and conversation that shows us as persons dedicated to a noble cause and consecrated to the service of others. This is a silent but very effective way of educating and evangelizing. This is the meaning of "doing mission" and being the "Salt and Light" of the world. (Mt. V: 13 & 14)
Your daily and Sunday Masses should be regular, and if possible, concelebrated with your Assistant Parish Priest for the intentions of your flock. A family that prays together stays together. It is a prescription of Canon Law for priests (the Parish Priests) to be present in his Parish especially on Sundays and Holy Days to Obligation for Pastoral Care of the Parish. (Cf. CIC: Canon No. 533, #1 & #2). The previous Canons, numbers 528 & 529, logically lead to the importance of his residence in the Parish.
In our last CBCM Meeting in June, the Bishops advised us to organize to have an hour Adoration, recite the Rosary, help in humanitarian services, and offer Masses for peace and stability in our Country, alone and in a group with the faithful.
Finally, you would do well to read (re-read and teach the nuns and the people) the instructions and reminders regarding the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that I had presented to the CBCM for the whole of Myanmar.
I cannot conclude without, once again, thanking you all for your indispensable obedience and contribution to the spiritual and material welfare of the Archdiocese. I assure each of you of my prayers and remembrance at the Holy Mass for you and for your dear ones.
Keep safe and be prudent. Your lives are precious.
No haste, no waste, but God's Grace doth win the race.
At your Service in the Lord,
+ Marco Tin Win
Archbishop of Mandalay
2021-06-30 04:19:02